June 23, 2023
DIY Studio Photoshoot Using Cellophane
I did a photoshoot using a piece of cellophane as a prop, in my bedroom studio!

This shoot was as DIY as it gets, this was before I had a more proper studio set up in my home, so I used a white sheet as a backdrop (I have since then upgraded to paper seamless rolls). I got a roll of pink/purple cellophane paper from Michael's in the gift wrap aisle to use for a photoshoot. I was inspired by other photographers on Pinterest and TikTok who have done this idea, so I decided to recreate it.

I had my model wear a white top, and white makeup. I wanted the cellophane to have the most attention, so styling was kept minimalistic. The first thing I did was have my model hold the cellophane, framing her face. For some shots, it was more crumpled up, and for others I had her hold it straight out.

Then, I wanted to try shooting through the cellophane. For some of the photos, I wrapped a piece of it around my lens, so the irridescent effect was framing her. I also held the cellophane directly in front of my lens.

The effect reminded me of one of those Aura-reading photo booths. It was very surreal and dreamlike. It also sort of reminded me of Euphoria inspired photoshoots I've seen photographers do.

The last idea we tried with the cellophane was to use it as the background. I taped a piece of it onto my backdrop.

Craft stores have so many great prop ideas, and they are usually very affordable as well.